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Physical Education

Our school is working towards the Active School Flag. This is a record of the work that we have undertaken.


Accessibility by all pupils

All PE lessons/activities are accessible by all pupils. In each teacher’s fortnightly plan they are required to include differentiated activities for each lesson. Differentiation occurs through the use of various…
April 29, 2021

PSSI plans and Move Well,Move Often

All teachers have been using/have been encouraged to use PSSI lesson plans throughout the ASF application process.The link to these lesson plans were saved on all teacher’s desktop for quick…
April 29, 2021

PE progress feedback

Pupils strengths and challenges in PE are discussed at PT meetings as well as on children’s end of year reports.
April 28, 2021

PE Policy

St. Aidan's policy ensures that at least 5 strands are covered each year by all classes and a balanced time is given to all strands. Please see the attached policy…
April 20, 2021

Active Break Challenge 2020

  We have successfully completed our four week Active Break Challenge thanks to all  staff and pupils. Each class took part in one Active Break per day since November 16th…
December 14, 2020

Dance Focus

As a staff we chose to strengthen our delivery of Dance this year over the months of February and beginning of March. We have successfully completed our focus by; Assigning…
March 24, 2020

Land PAWS Water Safety Programme

3rd Class have completed the Land PAWS Water Safety Programme and 4th Class are in the process of completing it. We are currently waiting on response for certificates to show…
March 24, 2020

Fundamental Movement Skills

  Our Fundamental Movement Skills display has been set up in the hall to use in connection with our Move Well,Move Often resources. Our skill for the next fortnight is…
February 10, 2020

PE Equipment Audit 2019

 A PE equipment audit has taken place prior to Christmas. All equipment is now organised and labelled and each class teacher has been given a record of the audit for…
January 13, 2020

Final Active Committee Meeting of 2019

Our final committee meeting took place on December 13th. We discussed all jobs that had been assigned in our previous meeting and assigned one final task that is to be…
January 13, 2020

Active Walkway

       Our Active Walkway is ready to go and has been tested out by a couple of classes over the last week. Today 4th Class used it for an…
November 11, 2019

PE Overview 2019-2020

  All class teachers have discussed and planned the strands and Fundamental Movement Skills that will be covered over the coming year. Please see below for overview PE Overview 2019-2020
November 5, 2019

60 Minute Challenge and Active Homework

All classes are busy working hard to renew our Active Flag. In order to do this the Senior classes are completing the 60 Minute Challenge over the next four weeks…
November 5, 2019

PE Timetable

Our timetable for PE this year is set up and in action. Each class receive 60 minutes of PE per week.
October 8, 2019

Active Committee 2019-2020

Today, we had our first Active School's meeting and welcomed our new members. We discussed the role of our committee and what we need to work on to begin. We…
October 8, 2019