The Parents Association (PA) are a voluntary organisation comprised of parents/guardians of children in the school. We work closely with the Principal, Staff and Board of Management and provide a forum for communication between the parent body, the school and the Board of Management.
We are delighted in St. Aidan’s to have a fantastic working relationship with Mr Butler, all the Staff and Board of Management and look forward to working together for the best possible education for our children.
We encourage parental participation in school events and also organise events and activities for the benefit of the children, parents/guardians and the school itself. These include (but are not limited to) parent talks, the First Communion Party, Confirmation Party, RSE programme for sixth class pupils, sponsorship of prizes and assistance with the book sale during Book Week each year.
The Parents Association is funded through an annual voluntary contribution from parents/guardians. In recent years owing to the economic downturn and continuous departmental cuts we find ourselves having to fundraise to ensure our school and our children are not feeling the burden. Some of the areas we have helped with to date are the purchase of classroom equipment, new goal posts for the playing field, assistance with the purchase of books for the new English curriculum, to name but a few. Our fundraising activities include our Annual Sponsored walk, Bake Sales and Used Clothing Collections. We thank you sincerely for your continuous support.
Regular updates are circulated in our newsletters, and now on here on the St. Aidan’s website (available below).
Members of the current committee
Chairperson: Irene Heneghan
Secretary: Dimps Smyth
Treasurer: Sharon Mulderrig
Committee Members:
Karen Burke
Sinead Conlon
Sean Cosgrove
Deirdre Sheridan
Angela Leonard
Rachelle Forkan
The Parents Association consists of parents just like you so we understand the demands on your time and any involvement with the association or its activities is greatly appreciated. We In order for us to go from strength to strength, it is important to have new parents with new ideas involved in the Committee. It is also a great way of meeting other parents. The committee meets at regular intervals during the school year. The meetings take place in the school. For further information please feel free to contact any of the current members. Our AGM is held yearly in October / November and we operate with the school year. Our committee is elected at the AGM.
We encourage you all to attend the AGM to keep up to date with what is happening in St. Aidan’s.