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Your Child in School

School Uniform

Boys must wear
navy trousers
a blue shirt
round neck royal blue jumper
black/navy socks

Girls must wear
a navy pinafore or trousers
round neck royal blue jumper or cardigan
white shirt
navy tights in colder weather and navy or white socks in warmer weather.

Black shoes must be worn by both boys and girls.

The school tracksuit which is navy with the school crest must be worn on PE days or at the teacher’s request e.g. Sports Day, School Tour Day. Girls wear white polo shirts and boys wear blue polo shirts with this track suit. On PE days black or white runners must be worn. Uniforms, track suits, shoes and runners can be purchased locally.
Please label your child’s clothing i.e all removable items.

Useful Websites

Help My Kid Learn

This website provides lots of simple ideas that you can build into your day to help them learn more.


School Books

The school purchases the books for the children and a bill will be issued to parents/guardians in September. Books will be distributed to the children as they are required. A Book Rental Scheme for some textbooks is in operation in the school. However, at Infant level, this may not apply as most books will be written on by children and cannot be re-used.
If any parent/guardian has difficulty meeting the cost of the book bill they may contact the Principal in confidence.

The School Day

Classes commence for all pupils at 9am and end for Infants at 1.40pm. School ends for 1st to 6th Classes at 2.40pm. Please note that the school opens at 8.50am and parents/guardians are requested not to bring/send pupils to school before this time due to lack of insurance cover.

Assembly and Dismissal

Parents are reminded about the Health and Safety issues associated with dropping pupils to and collecting pupils from school.
We would like to remind you of the arrangements in place to ensure this safety:

  • Parents/Guardians of children, other than Infants or those with special needs, are asked to drop children at the gate.
  • The parents of Infants and those with special needs who drive into the school grounds at this time are asked not to park on the double yellow lines or the roundabout as the buses will be unable to turn.
  • NB Please allow parents with pupils who have special needs to avail of the car parking opposite the main school building.
  • Remind children to walk carefully on the footpath within the school grounds in the morning and at home time.
  • Parents and guardians collecting Junior at 1.40 pm are asked to be vigilant at all times of their own children’s and other children’s safety.
  • Cars should not be parked and left on the roundabout in a haphazard manner as this will cause an obstruction and could lead to an accident.
  • Parents/guardians collecting pupils at 1.40pm are requested to park at the edge of the roundabout and down the avenue on the left hands side, leaving the central area of the roundabout clear.
  • Cars are not permitted on to the top area of the school as classes often use this area for PE activities.

This is a Health and Safety issue and the school would appreciate your co-operation in this matter.


All teachers in the school are qualified to teach all classes and all subjects. From time to time children may be taught for individual lessons by a teacher other than their own class teacher. In Class Support involving the class teacher and the Learning Support is provided regularly in Literacy and Numeracy for all classes in St. Aidan’s.

Consultation with Teachers

Formal Parent teacher meetings are held each year in the school usually during the first term. Informal contact takes place on a daily basis in the case of the Infants when they are being taken to school and collected. For any more serious matters which may arise an appointment with the class teacher should be made through the Principal.


As a consequence of the introduction of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 children are required to attend school daily. Where a child is absent, parents must inform the school in writing as to the reason for the child’s failure to attend. Where a child is absent for more than 20 days, for whatever reason, the Principal is obliged by law to inform the Education Welfare Board. However, children should not be sent to school if they are unwell.


As well as the school’s own insurance provision, additional insurance is available to children through the school with Brennan Insurance. Details of this insurance will be issued at the beginning of the school year.

Healthy Eating

As part of a healthy eating Policy, fizzy drinks and crisps are not allowed. Pupils should bring a healthy lunch to school each day e.g. sandwiches, pasta etc. If possible, fruit should be included in the child’s lunch box. On Fridays pupils may bring a small treat. A small snack is usually eaten at 10.50a.m. and something more substantial at 12.20 p.m. for lunch. While children need an adequate lunch, lunches which are too large may mean that the child is delayed going out to play.


Health and Hygiene

You are asked to check your child’s hair regularly for head lice and to treat when necessary. In the event of an outbreak of head lice in you child’s class all parents will be notified of this and we would urge you to check and treat immediately.

The Sacraments

This is a Catholic school and the school upholds the Catholic ethos. Pupils are prepared for First Confession and First Holy Communion in Second Class and for Confirmation in 5th or 6th Classes. The school, however, welcomes, includes and respects all pupils regardless of religious denomination.


Irish dancing classes provided by the Redmond School of Dancing, take place in the school (outside of class time) on each Wednesday during term time. Junior and Senior pupils may avail of these lessons.


There is a long tradition of saving with the Credit Union in the school. Parents/guardians may open a Credit Union account in the local Credit Union office. Savings are collected each Friday and lodged to the child’s account.

Birthday Invitations

You are asked not to distribute birthday invitations at school. It is difficult for the teachers to explain to children the reasons why they have not received an invitation and this can cause upset and bewilderment.

No booklet could cover all aspects of school life. Feel free to ask the teachers or Principal about any matter you would like to have clarified or about any matter which has not been addressed.