Our ASF Parent and Pupil surveys have all been returned and analysed.
Our pupil responses were very positive and the following are the main findings from these;
- Majority enjoy PE
- Athletics,swimming and Games are favourite PE activities
- Majority enjoy PE homework
- Majority enjoyed The Daily Mile
- Majority enjoy Active Breaks
- Majority enjoy being active in yard
- Majority enjoy Active Week
- Majority of pupils are aware that children should do 60 minutes of physical activity daily
- Most pupils are not visiting the ASF section on school website
Parent responses were very positive as well. We received 61 responses via surveymonkey.ie within the given time frame. The following are the main findings;
- 72.13% feel their child receives a varied Physical Education programme
- 93.44% feel their child enjoys PE
- 88.52% feel their child enjoys PE homework
- 91.53% feel their child benefited from The Daily Mile
- 57.38% know children should be active for 60 minutes daily
- 19.67% have visited the ASF section on school website
- 73.77% think we have kept parents up to date about ASF initiatives
- 95.08% think their child enjoys being active in yard at breaktimes
- 77.05% think we provide a playground environment that encourages children to be active during breaktimes
- 88.52% think Playground Leaders would be a good idea in school yard