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Book Week 2013

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Book Week 2013

By November 28, 2013July 11th, 2021No Comments

Book Week 2013  St. Aidan’s N.S.

Book Week took place in St. Aidan’s from Mon. 2nd to Fri. 6th Dec. This is an annual event and helps to further promote an interest in and love of reading.


Fri. 6th Dec.was  Character Day. Pupils and staff dressed as a character from a book or a story on that day..


Various  activities took place during Book Week such as Storytime with visiting story tellers, Paired Reading, a Table Quiz, D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) Time,and Book Club activities. A competition was held in each class and all illustrations, book reports and writing were displayed in the school hall. Prizes were sponsored by the Parents  Association.

Click here to see more photos.