We have all been very busy here in St. Aidan’s preparing for Christmas.
Junior Infants invited parents and friends to see their Nursery Rhyme Nativity Play at school last week. They also sang some of the songs at the parish Carol Service in the Church of the Holy Family on Monday 18th December. See more photos
Second Class performed their Nativity Play –Rock Around the Flock at the parish Carol Service .
Our school choir, under the direction of Ms Lee,sang two carols .
Sixth class made these lovely Christmas centre pieces with the help of Mr. Donnellan and retired teacher Mrs Mooney.Thank you \Mrs Mooney for your time and expertise!
Santa arrived in style on Tuesday 20th Dec!!
On Thursday 21st Dec. prizes were presented to the winners of the recent Credit Union Poster Competition.
Congratulations to all !
The school looks very festive indeed, decorated with a great variety of Christmas art.
On Thursday 21st Dec the whole school community assembled in the school hall. We had a presentation from 6th Class which reflected on the true meaning of Christmas. The school Choir under the direction of Ms. Lee sang some carols. The prayer service concluded with two children from Junior Infants placing Baby Jesus in the manger.
Prizes were presented to the winners of the recent Credit Union Poster Competition.
Mr Donnellan presented prizes to the Book week Table Quiz winners
Congratulations to all!
Finally we had our raffle. Congratulations to all the winners.
December has indeed been a very busy month!
Click here to see Christmas gallery