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First Holy Communion 2017

Events Archive

First Holy Communion 2017

By May 8, 2017July 19th, 2021No Comments

Congratulations to all the children from Second Class who made their First Holy Communion in The Church of the Holy Family, Kiltimagh on Saturday 6th May 2017. Thanks to their teachers  Ms Nyland and Mrs Mooney for preparing the pupils for this special event in their lives. Thanks to Ms. Lee and the choir from 3rd- 4th class whose singing added so much to this liturgical occasion. Thanks to the Transition Year pupils from St. Louis Community School,- Sorcha, Eimear, Sarah and  Gráinne who helped to prepare the artwork and decorate the church as part of their John Paul Award work. Thanks also to the teachers and Mattie who co-ordinated the church decoration. Special thanks to the Parents’ Association for providing such a wonderful party in the school afterwards.

IMG_6698Click here to see more photos of this special day.

Click here to  see information re  photos taken by  official photographer on the day.