Maths Week Ireland ran from 12th-20th October 2109 and we have been very busy all week taking part in various maths activites in all classrooms.
Children from Junior Infants to 6th Class took part in Maths Stations over the week and had lots of fun with the games.
From 2nd to 6th Class we had daily problems that we tried to solve. There are 3 homework passes in each class for those that participated.
3rd Class took part in a Maths Trail.
Lots of classes looked at Maths in other subject areas, Maths in Art or Music.
5th Class took part in the Mangahigh Challenge and enjoyed the challenges and games online. We looked at the Maths Week Target Boards and it was very interesting to see how many different ways we found to find the target number each day.
Our Maths Eyes is running until Thursday 25th. Mrs Mooney will be putting all the entries together and submitting 10 from the school. There are prizes here too, a Weekly homework pass for Maths in each of the classrooms from 3rd to 6th!
Well done everybody, it certainly was a busy week of Maths!