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School Assembly -June 2017

Events Archive

School Assembly -June 2017

By June 27, 2017July 19th, 2021No Comments

We had our final assembly for the school year on Tuesday 27th June 2017. The assembly began with a short prayer service.

Various items were brought to our Sacred Space, as we remembered  and gave thanks for many events over the past school year.


We extended our hands for a blessing on the Sixth Class as they leave our school.

As they leave the school, Ms Lee acknowledged the contribution these pupils from 6th Class have made to our school choir .



 Certificates were presented to the children who had full attendance over the past school year.


Certificates were also presented to those who only missed one day over the school year .





Mr Donnellan presented medals to the winners and runners-up of our recent Soccer League.



The assembly concluded with all singing This Little  Light of Mine.

Click here to see more photos.