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Science Week 2013

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Science Week 2013

By November 21, 2013July 11th, 2021No Comments

Mrs. Commons’s 4th class had a fun filled day on Thursday  14th of November to celebrate Science Week 2013.

Each group worked on a different experiment covering the different strands of the curriculum.Experiments carried out included the following – Design a Bridge, Amazing Triangles, Making a Magnetic car, My Reaction Time, Creeping Colours, Creeping Reflections,  Floating Finger, Mirror Writing,  Dancing Raisins and Tornado in a Bottle.

Mrs. Mooney and her 1st and 2nd class called for a visit and had a great time trying out our experiments.

Mrs King and Berni Finn were put to the challenge on the experiment My Reaction Time…. its unclear who had the fastest reaction time!