Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are delighted to inform you that we have registered to take part in the health promotion initiative ‘Active School Flag’. We have set up an ‘Active Flag Committee’ to help the school obtain the flag. The committee is made of pupils & staff and will meet on a regular basis. They will keep the rest of the student body informed of what’s next on the ‘Get Active Agenda’!
The purpose of the flag being awarded is to encourage school communities to be more physically active on a regular basis.
Did you know?……
“Children and young people (2-18yrs) should be active at a moderate to vigorous level for at least 60 minutes every day”. (www.hse.ie )
The ‘Active School Committee’ will have a notice board situated at the main entrance. You can keep up to date with all our efforts by checking out this board. We will also keep you updated here on our school website with a ‘Get Active’ blog!
We would appreciate if parents & guardians could talk to their children about the importance of being physically active every day. As part of this, one night a week we may assign 10 minutes ‘Active Homework’.
This is supposed to be simple, safe & manageable. Examples include 10 minutes + skipping, cycling, jogging, or walking for older classes. Younger children could do 10 minutes on the trampoline, with the WII Fit, on their scooter/bike etc.
The aim is to make ‘being active’ a regular habit! We appreciate your cooperation and ask that the parents of the younger children might write down what activity was chosen each week.
A ‘Get Active Pocket Planner’ will be used to reward the younger children and keep track of their efforts.
We look forward to a busy school year where all involved will benefit from a renewed sense of enthusiasm for keeping fit & healthy! J