On 30th May 2011 An Taoiseach Enda Kenny received a great welcome when he visited our school.
He was met at the gate by Mrs. King and some of the school staff. Banna Cheoil Scoil Aodáin and the majorettes led him up the avenue.
A representative from each class formed a welcoming committee at the school door.
An Taoiseach then proceeded to the school hall. Mrs. King welcomed him to St. Aidan’s. A sixth class boy spoke on behalf of the pupils. An Taoiseach addressed the children, staff and visitors.
Before the general election earlier this year, a mock election had been held in 6th class. The Fine Gael and Labour representatives from the class both spoke and presented An Taoiseach with copies of their manifestoes.

The youngest and oldest pupils in the school presented Mr. Kenny with a crystal bowl inscribed with the words
Go Coillte Mach Rachad.

A 5th class pupil had written about Enda Kenny earlier this year. She read her own story entitled ‘A Famous Person I admire’.
An Taoiseach was then entertained with song and dance.
It was a wonderful occasion, one we will never forget!